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Fluffy vs. Flat Foundation Brush: Which One Is Better?

Posted by Preeti Sareen on Oct 23, 2016

As a makeup fanatic, you’ve probably used your fair share of foundation brushes, including (but certainly not limited to) a flat foundation brush and a fluffy brush. Both brushes can be crucial to any budding makeup artist’s set of tools, but is one better than the other? We all know that foundation is the, well, foundation of your makeup. The purpose of makeup brushes is to create a stronger, more defined and streamlined foundation so that the rest of your makeup application is flawless. Whether flat or fluffy, the brushes can amp up your look and make you stand out from the crowd. For the deets on which brush might be a better fit for you, read on!


Flat Foundation Brush

If you like a thicker coverage of foundation, a flat foundation brush might be just what you’re looking for. The nature of the flat foundation brush allows a lot of product to get on the brush and be applied to the face. If you are using lighter foundations or tinted moisturizers, using a flat foundation brush will make it much easier to use more products to create an instantly covered look. A major benefit of using a flat foundation brush is that it is great for getting into those little nooks and crannies on your face (around the nose, underneath the eyes). On the flip side, the downsides of using this makeup brush include a bit more time to use, inability to use with powder foundations, wasting product, streaky foundation, and having a harder time cleaning the tool.


Fluffy Foundation Brush

For a more airbrushed, professional level finish, a fluffy foundation brush will be your new best friend. The wider surface area of this makeup brush makes it super easy to blend foundation without using (and wasting) a lot of product. The design of this brush also makes cleaning it regularly a breeze, which is a nice change from the dirtier flat brush. Whether you want light or heavy coverage, this brush will allow you to get the perfect amount of coverage for you. Contrary to the flat foundation brush, a fluffy brush can be used with liquid and powder foundations alike, which makes it a bit more of an all-in-one tool.




Is One Of These Foundation Brushes Better Than The Other?

At the end of the day, foundation brushes are meant to give you the best possible makeup application. If you like the thicker coverage that a more dense, rounded brush can provide and prefer to use lighter foundations or tinted moisturizers, a flat foundation brush will be what you need. On the other hand, if you like the duality of being able to use powder or liquid foundation, and like a perfectly airbrushed finish, add a fluffy foundation brush to your arsenal of makeup tools. If you’re looking for some tips to keep your foundation brushes clean and as good as new, check out our 4 super simple ways to clean your makeup brushes! To find the perfect foundation brush (and more!) for you, check out our #MorpheMe monthly brush subscription and comment below telling us which brush is your go to!


Preeti Sareen

Preeti Sareen

Preeti Sareen is a freelance writer and blogger who identifies as a twenty-something girl trying to find herself one piece at a time. She is a lover of beauty, wellness, and all things fitness and loves sharing those passions in her articles on LiveGlam.

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  • I have never tried the "fluffy" domed foundation brushes, but I have had several flat, paddle style ones, high end to more affordable options...and I just plain hated them. The streaks drove me crazy and it felt like the product never really set to my skin. I mostly use a sponge, now, but when I do use a brush for foundation, I use a flat top kabuki one. It seems to work much better than the paddle style brushes.
