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blorange hair color LiveGlam

Haircare,    Trending

Blorange Hair Color Ideas and Inspiration Around the Web

Posted by LiveGlam on Mar 07, 2017

OK, hair divas. This one’s for you. If you’re all about treating your tresses to the hottest trends, then it’s likely that the blorange hair color is next up on your list. Say goodbye to your romantic rose-colored locks, because they’re about to get a sunnier update—just in time for summer.

Blorange is the newest hair trend, and it’s definitely one of the more memorable hairstyles out there. It’s basically a blend between blonde + orange, hence the fun name, blorange. Think of it as a sunset on your head. Or a tequila sunrise. Or a creamsicle.

Get where I’m going with this? No? OK, let’s give you some visual inspiration.

via @hairbyaustinclaire/IG

Blorange Hair Color Inspo

There’s already a lot of blorange saturating social media, so you’re in luck. You can sport the blorange trend in a variety of ways. For example, if you’re growing out your rose roots, you can dip your ends into a warm blorange tone to create a sweet ombre like this girl.

The hair color has a lot of variations, making it easy to customize for all tastes. And there are plenty of looks here (we see, you Gigi) that define blorange pretty well. As you can see, it’s kind of a mix between orange and pink, as bright or as pastel as your complexion can handle.

Personally, I’m a balayage-loving gal, so the blended looks are my personal faves, using peach tones and vibrant orange hues atop darker roots. It gives you a lot of dimension, as seen in a few of these examples.

via @pastelssalon/IG

Styling Blorange Hair

When it comes to styling your colorful locks, an edgy cut is always welcome. Beachy texturizing spray (we reviewed Not Your Mother’s sea salt spray here) is a great product for defining your newly dyed strands and giving them that extra punch.

So give your hair a few carefree curls if you’re looking for that beachy, boho vibe. You really can’t go wrong with the blorange hair color as long as you do what’s right for your hair. After all, you know your hair best! With that said, always ensure you’re using the right serum for your hair type to get optimal results. You’d hate for your fruity-hued waves to look rotten.

Are you ready to give blorange a try? Let us know in the comments if you’re a beauty trend-chaser or prefer to keep it natural.




Jessica Seifert is a makeup enthusiast with winged liner sharp enough to slay her enemies. She spends her free time turning people into beautiful monsters & zombies. Learning about new makeup techniques and skincare is her passion!

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